Drummond Street, Carlton, Melbourne


A full coverage of the Pram years can be found at the excellent site developed by Sue Ingleton
and now archived by Melbourne University.
The Pram Factory Archive


The following is a collection of photographs I took of various productions at the Pram Factory during its final years.
These photos are from around the period of the Ensemble (around 1980), but not all are Ensemble productions.
All post date the work of the Collective..............Peter Hosking

The Ensemble consisted of Denis Moore, Val Levkovic, Richard Healy, Danny Nash, Peter me!

There is a series of B&W shots for each of the following shows - click on the thumbnail to see the larger image.

Kate Kelly's Road Show

The Ken Wright Show

Cloud Nine


The Two-Headed Calf

The Real Life of Sebastian Melmoth

Light Shining in Buckinghamshire

(Not my photos, photographer unknown)




If you have any info or pics you would like to share, please email me. I'd love to hear from you.